
Appreciation for our Conceptual Options Surrogates: Four Benefits of Becoming a Surrogate

At Conceptual Options, we are always trying to make certain that our Surrogates feel appreciated each and every day. In fact, giving the gift of life to a person or couple who cannot conceive naturally is one of the most generous gifts one can give. You will be changing their lives for good and helping them build a family. You are literally the carrier that holds their dream of a family for nine months.

Of course, being a Surrogate will have its challenges throughout your journey, but it also comes with many perks and a lot of appreciation from your Intended Parents and your Agency, such as Conceptual Options. This selfless act will resound in the universe sending you thanks and gratitude for years to come.

Here are just a few benefits in terms of Surrogate appreciation for you and your family:

1. You’ll Extend Your Circle Of Love and Support

You will be the conduit for another couple or individual who dreams of having a child. Because of this, you will gain a sort of extended family through this process. Of course, the journey can be tailored to make you comfortable, and we can find you a match that fits what you’re looking for too.

Do you want to be heavily involved with your Intended Parents? Or would you rather keep a little distance between them for the process? Would you like photo updates of the child, and perhaps be able to send them a birthday card or make visits?

The process is on your terms. However, you will certainly gain an entire circle of people who are sharing love and gratitude for what you’re doing.

2. The Compensation

You should absolutely be compensated for your large physical and emotional commitment to this process. You are giving of yourself, and your womb. You deserve to be rewarded for the giving of your literal self.

Compensation is just one beautiful aspect of Surrogacy Appreciation. It’s the Intended Parent’s way of showing you great thanks for what you are doing. A benefit of Surrogacy Appreciation is the monetary amount that will help you continue to support your life and your family for doing such a wonderful deed.

3. Health Check-Ups

You will be intertwined with your IVF doctor. You will get continual checks ups and learn a lot about your own health as a woman and as a Surrogate. When it comes to Surrogacy Appreciation, your doctor will show you a lot of love.

Your IVF doctor will ensure you have a safe and sound journey. The regular check-ups will also help you monitor your heart, liver, and other important organs that sometimes get overlooked.

4. The Extra Perks of Surrogacy Appreciation

As a Surrogate, sometimes Intended Parents will offer their surrogate a massage, fresh food on a weekly basis, and new maternity clothing, along with other gifts of Surrogacy Appreciation. These are various forms of “thank you”.

Depending on the Intended Parents, you just might find yourself very comfortable during your journey.

When you’re ready to work with an Agency that shows the ultimate Surrogacy Appreciation, contact us today to learn how you can start your journey.


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