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Ava Mayhem

We Create families Via Surrogacy

At Conceptual Options we have been creating families for almost 20 years, yet each day brings us something new and exciting. One example is our amazing Surrogate, Amber, who wanted others to see what Surrogacy has done for her family and the family of her Intended Parents. In her own words, Amber stated the following about her Surrogacy Journey, IF you ever… Read More »We Create families Via Surrogacy

Vegas, Baby – A New Film On Infertility & IVF You MUST See!!!

A new film, Vegas Baby, by Director, Amanda Micheli, is a must see for anyone struggling with infertility, as well as those men and women who help them as surrogates, egg donors, sperm donors, IVF doctors, friends, and family. Produced by Morgan Spurlock, the film examines the world of in vitro fertilization and the marketing tools used IVF pioneer, Geoffrey Sher, and… Read More »Vegas, Baby – A New Film On Infertility & IVF You MUST See!!!

Conceptual Options 2017 Summer Surrogate Appreciation Party

Conceptual Options’ Amazing Surrogates were treated to a Summer Appreciation Party this past month. We treated everyone to painting, great raffles, great conversation and, of course, delicious Buca Di Beppo for our summer luncheon and appreciation party!! We would love for women considering surrogacy to contact us for more information on how you can join our Surrogate Community and join our Conceptual… Read More »Conceptual Options 2017 Summer Surrogate Appreciation Party

Surrogacy Compensation and Why It is Important to Women, Families & the Children

Compensating a woman for carrying your baby is seen by some as both exploitative and harmful to all the parties involved in the process. In fact, many countries ban it outright, even if the Surrogate consents. Other countries allow it, but ban payments to her of any kind. Only a few places provide Intended Parents with legal standing before the birth of… Read More »Surrogacy Compensation and Why It is Important to Women, Families & the Children

American Express Increases Employee Benefits to Include Infertility Treatments

American Express announced this week that starting January 1st, their parental leave and infertility treatment benefits will be drastically changing for the better for their employees. The company previously had caps on their health plan for infertility benefits and a short parental leave only for employees who gave birth. However, with their new plan both male and female employees will receive up… Read More »American Express Increases Employee Benefits to Include Infertility Treatments

Baby Joy Through Surrogacy

The British TV show, ‘This Time Next Year,’ focuses on inspirational aspects of every day people’s lives. Recently, the show focused on couple, Kathryn Mallory and Chris Chapman, who were struggling to complete their family after using IVF to conceive their first child. Kathryn successfully beat cancer as a child and after conceiving their first child, doctors told Kathryn that she would… Read More »Baby Joy Through Surrogacy

Woman Gives Birth to Grandson

Being a Surrogate does not always mean that you are carrying a baby for a stranger; instead you could be a Surrogate for your own child. This was the case with Megan Barker, who on October 22nd gave birth to her own grandson. Barker, who is 48 years old, gave birth to a healthy baby boy for her daughter, Maddie Coleman, and… Read More »Woman Gives Birth to Grandson