
Top 5 Questions Surrogates Should Ask When Choosing a Surrogacy Agency

If you’re reading this blog post, you are probably in the middle of your search for your perfect agency. You’re most likely also thinking “Umm…only 5 questions? How am I going to learn anything from only 5 questions?” And you are right! The more questions that you have for an agency, the better! However, you need to make sure that out of all of the questions that you ask before choosing your agency you at least have these 5 on your list.

1. How long has your agency been in business?
2. What types of mental health support services do you offer to Surrogates?
3. How will I be paid and how are the funds held?
4. Do I get to choose the Intended Parents that I will be working with?
5. Why should I choose your agency?

Some of these questions may seem inconsequential, but in the long run you will be glad that you asked them because you will know what you should expect out of your agency throughout the process. For example, finding out how an agency holds their funds, as well as when and how you will be paid is important because you want to ensure that you are protected, either through an attorney held trust account or an outside escrow agency. After all as a Surrogate you will be giving your Intended Parents the greatest gift of all…a baby.

Each of these questions are designed to ensure that you have the best experience as possible as a Surrogate. Or as we here at Conceptual Options say…as a “SUPER SURROGATE!”

To see how Conceptual Options answers these questions and more please visit our Choosing Your Agency page.