
Zika Virus Update | Information for Surrogates, Egg Donors & Intended Parents

People all over the world are concerned about the Zika virus and how it can affect pregnant mothers – and rightfully so. Thankfully, the FDA has prepared guidance that is currently being implemented to decrease any potential risks for egg donors, sperm donors and Intended Parents. As there are no good blood tests at this time to detect the Zika virus, the following precautions are important to understand for everyone.

The guidance is as follows:

A. Intended Parents:

If the Intended Parent is from a country or has travelled in the last 6 months to a country/region that is impacted by the Zika Virus (primarily Brazil, Mexico and the Caribbean), then they have to be “known” if they intend to use their own eggs and sperm. These new requirements do NOT preclude Intended Parents from using their own genetic material.

B. Donors:

If the donor has travelled in the last 6 months to a country impacted by the Zika Virus they have to be a “known donor” as well.

C. Surrogates:

The FDA did not address surrogacy; therefore these guidelines are more of a precautionary nature. Surrogates should NOT travel to any of the countries that are affected by the Zika Virus. If they must (i.e., to visit an ill family member), then they should take all precautions to protect themselves against mosquito bites. If their sexual partner has travelled to a region that is impacted, they should use protection for all sexual contact for at least a month after the last day of travel.

If there is a specific concern, they should notify their OB, so they can monitor the baby. If the surrogate travelled to an impacted country prior to getting pregnant, they should avoid getting pregnant for a month.

For more information, please see the following links:

